Raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable
Raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable

raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable

Of special note is in the Latin American Spanish dub, where Josuke's dubbing actor, Luis Fernando Orozco, turns him into a Guttural Growler by giving him Harsh Vocals that truly emphasize his rage.OOC Is Serious Business doesn't even begin to cut it. The most notable example here is during Josuke's battle with Rohan, where he gets so horrifically angry he's literally Blinded by Rage and brutally pummels Rohan to the point of hospitalization. The reason this is nightmarish it's because once he gets angry, he will go from the mellow, laid-back, good-hearted and morally upstanding teenager he typically is to a horrifically savage and unstoppable destruction machine as well as a rampaging berserker who will trash everything on sight. Pretty much anytime Josuke goes absolutely berserk will make it clear why he's the series' epitome of Beware the Nice Ones.Suddenly Josuke's mood swings aren't so funny anymore. Later, it's shown that he destroyed a bunch of objects in the room they were in. A second later, he's calmly combing his hair back in shape. When Jotaro namedrops Angelo, we get a spilt-second Jump Scare of a murderous Josuke with his hair standing up.

raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable

After Angelo kills Josuke's grandfather, Josuke and Jotaro are preparing to battle him. by biting the dog's face off, spitting the gore (and his Stand) into the man's mouth, and then having his Stand erupt from the man's head to kill him.

  • And then there's the anime scene where Angelo distributes a special kind of "justice" on an unsuspecting citizen who lets his pet dog poop wherever he can, even if it's on other people's lawns.
  • And to make it worse, if the Post Credits Scene of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven is anything to go by, it gets even more loathsome once you realize what could possibly happen if Jolyne was with Jotaro at the time and came across Angelo without his father watching her. Child rape and murder is vile and disgusting on its own, but it's especially sickening from the point of view of a parent.
  • It gets even worse when you read Part 6 and realize that when Jotaro's investigating this case, his daughter Jolyne was seven-years-old at the time.
  • We still don't get a direct look at what he did, but what we do see is enough to show that he's an irredeemable monster through and through.

    raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable

    His crimes are skimmed over a bit in the anime, with Jotaro assuring the audience You Do NOT Want to Know ("It would make a sewer rat puke.") At least until the very next episode, where his horrible crimes are relayed in full, complete with flashbacks that show even more detail than the original manga. He boasts that after he's killed Josuke and Jotaro, he will "have fun" with Josuke's mother Tomoko, and is also not above taking a child as a hostage. His Stand can hide inside water and other liquids and kill people from the inside. Even typically stone-faced Jotaro admitted that he felt a shiver down his spine when reading about Angelo's crimes, which included kidnapping, raping, and brutally killing three teenage boys, all For the Evulz.

    Raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable serial#

    A petulant Serial Killer and Serial Rapist since the age of 12, he is even worse than J. This guy is, without a doubt, not only the darkest Starter Villain in the series, but also quite possibly the evilest villain in the entire franchise, period.

  • Everything about Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri.
  • You would be horribly wrong, as Diamond is Unbreakable comes to show. You'd think that since this part is Lighter and Softer, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would let up on the horror this time around.

    Raw anime episodes diamond is unbreakable